Council Members
HESA is a multi-sector coalition focused on strengthening America’s global competitive position through the development of new approaches to higher education policy, funding, and collaboration.
Our co-chairs direct the council in strategic development and implementation to ensure that higher education is actionably aligned with the needs of the workforce and the economy.
Michael Crow
President, Arizona State University
Linda Gooden
Board Chair, University System of Maryland
Board Member, ADP, General Motors, Home Depot & Washington Gas -
Robert L. King, J.D.
Interim President, Florida Institute of Technology
Former Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education in the U.S. Department of Education
Director, AGB
Our commissioners are national thought leaders that share a commitment to advancing the mission of the Council and amplifying and expanding its reach.
Robert Anderson
President, State Higher Education Executive Officers
Mark Becker
President, Association of Public & Land Grant Universities
Former President, GA State University -
Victor J. Boschini, Jr.
Chancellor, Texas Christian University
Walter Bumphus
President & CEO, American Association of Community Colleges
Ted Carter
Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy (retired)
President, The Ohio State University
Former Superintendent, U.S. Naval Academy -
Alexander Cartwright
President, University of Central Florida
Sue Cunningham
President & CEO, Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)
Gerald M. (Gerry) Czarnecki
Chairman & CEO, The Deltennium Group, Inc.
Sharon Davies
President & CEO, Kettering Foundation
Nicholas Eberstadt
Henry Wendt Chair in Political Economy, American Enterprise Institute
Senior Adviser, National Bureau of Asian Research -
Brian Fitzgerald
CEO Emeritus, Business HE Forum
Kristen Fox
CEO, Business-Higher Education Forum
Richard Freeland
Former Commissioner of Higher Education for Massachusetts
Kysha Wright Frazier
President and CEO, Corporation for a Skilled Workforce
Julieta Villarreal Garcia
Former President, University of Texas at Brownsville
John Gardner
Founder & Executive Chair, Gardner Institute
Arun Gupta
CEO, NobleReach
Mark Hagerott
Chancellor, North Dakota University System
Cynthia Jackson Hammond
President, Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA)
Mary Dana Hinton
President, Hollins University
Terry Holliday
Commissioner of Education for Kentucky, 2009-2015
Danette Howard
Global Education Director, Cummins Inc.
Michael Kempner
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, MikeWorldWide
John B. King, Jr.
Chancellor, State University of New York (SUNY)
Keith Krach
Chairman & Co-Founder, Krach Institute for Tech Diplomacy at Purdue
Arthur Levine
President Emeritus at Teachers College, Columbia University
Mark J. Lewis
CEO, Purdue Applied Research Institute LLC (PARI)
Linda Livingstone
President, Baylor University
Devinder Malhotra
Chancellor, Minnesota State
Chair, National Association of System Heads -
Kedar S. Mate
President and CEO, Institute for Healthcare Improvement
President, Lucian Leape Institute
Department of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College
Jamie Merisotis
President & CEO, Lumina Foundation
Barbara Mistick
President, National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities
Ted Mitchell
President, American Council on Education
Terry Murphy
President & CEO, Bayhealth
Richard Myers
General, U.S. Air Force (retired)
Former President, Kansas State University
Former Chairman, Join Chiefs of Staff -
Mary A. Papazian
Executive Vice President, Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges Former President, San Jose State University and Southern Connecticut State University
Michael Rao
President, Virginia Commonwealth University
Jamey Rorison
Senior Program Officer, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
John Ryan
Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy (retired)
Former CEO, Center for Creative Leadership
Former Superintendent, U.S. Naval Academy -
Cynthia Shapira
Chair, Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education' Board of Governors
Vice Chair, Brandeis University
Director, AGB -
Mariko Silver
President & CEO, Henry Luce Foundation
Barbara Snyder
President, Association of American Universities
Former President, Case Western Reserve University
Robert Spalding
Brigadier General, U.S. Air Force (retired)
Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute -
Tyson Voelkel
President and CEO, Texas A&M Foundation
Ruth V. Watkins
President, Postsecondary Education, Strada
Charles Welch
President & CEO, American Association of State Colleges & Universities
Harry L. Williams
President & CEO, Thurgood Marshall College Fund
David Wilson
President, Morgan State University
Director, AGB
Deborah Wince-Smith
President & CEO Council on Competitiveness
Strategic Advisors
Our strategic advisors are individuals with expertise in topics critical to the commission. They inform the development of council convenings, working papers, and reports.
Derrick Anderson
Senior Vice President, American Council on Education
William Bates
Senior Advisor, Council on Competitiveness
Bridget Burns
CEO, University Innovation Alliance
Brandon Busteed
CEO, BrandEd
Debra Humphreys
Vice President of Strategic Engagement, Lumina Foundation
Minu Ipe
Vice Chair and Managing Director, University Design Institute
Drew Koch
Chief Executive Officer, Gardner Institute
Debbie McCarthy
Senior Vice President for Strategy & Engagement, Business Executives for National Security
David V. Rosowsky
Vice President for Research, Kansas State University
David Scobey
Executive Director, Bringing Theory to Practice
Ashish Vaidya
Senior Fellow, American Association of State Colleges & Universities
Senior Research Advisor, National Association of System Heads
Council Staff
Our dedicated staff supports HESA’s daily operations and goals.
Lisa Foss
Executive Director
Merrill Schwartz
AGB Senior Fellow